Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Too Fast

Time is moving way too fast right now.  Tomorrow marks 10 weeks of life for our little man.  He is growing and changing like crazy and I cannot imagine life with out him now.  I only have a few weeks left of maternity leave and I am trying like crazy to saver every single minute of being a new mommy.  I was folding laundry the other day and realized that he no longer fits into some of his clothes.  We went to the pediatrician for a 2 month well check on Monday and he has gained two more pounds and 2 more inches.  How do people deal with how fast this all goes by.  I am going to wake up tomorrow and he is going to be crawling and then walking and then talking like crazy.  I never really understood how fast time goes by when you have children until now.  I want to freeze in the moment for a while and pick up a few months from now or something.

Mike is learning how to be a night time parent for when I go back to work.  It is so hard for me to sit back and let him do it because I just want to snuggle with our little man every chance I get...especially at night when he is the most cuddly.  It is important for Mike to do this while I am here since its not all confetti and roses when you are tired just want to push the snooze button on the child.

I looked up my work schedule today and sure enough its posted.  That means my time as a stay at home mom is coming to an end.  I pray that the transition will be smooth for Mike and I will be able to function on smaller amounts of sleep.  Working nights is a challenge in it self, but trying to keep your child  to a minimum amount of day care a week will be a whole new basket of challenges.  I don't have to keep him home so much, but I didn't have a child to have other people raise him.  I may change my mind when I am working on 2 hours of sleep for the day.