Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Whoop

I picked up my son from daycare last Tuesday to find out two kids were diagnosed with whooping cough. James had started a runny nose and slight cough last Saturday, but it was just a cold. That is until Thursday late afternoon when our pediatrician called with a positive swab for James. He's been vaccinated for this. I shouldn't have to worry about the 100 day cough. Well I thought wrong. Apparently pertussis is a bacterial infection. My whole perception of this disease was changed in a blink when I was told he would be given antibiotics and would no longer be contagious. I am a nurse, but I deliver babies, I don't deal with infectious diseases. I'm still confused as to how you can vaccinate for a bacteria? Anyway he has it. His cough is minimal and I'm told by the health department that it should stay that way since we treated early.

Everyone in the household should be taking a round of antibiotics since we have been exposed. I feel like a character in a syfi movie. I was going to get tested but then I started to become symptomatic so antibiotics it is. I would hate to infect a new born because I hate taking antibiotics.

Then there is the family members on the anti vaccination train.  They send links and articles of scare campaigns to keep you from vaccinating our children, "see they get sick anyway, don't trust the pharmaceutical companies" they say.  According to the health department James has a mild case because he IS vaccinated. 500-1000 kids died each year from pertussis. Why would I risk that because it used to be a "common childhood illness"? So was polio and no one in the US has to suffer from a debilitating illness that our parents generation had to.  And what about small pox? If we didn't vaccinate it wouldn't be eradicated today.

I think people who don't vaccinate like being sick. Why suffer from the flu if you don't have to. I had chicken pox as a child and it was a horrible experience. James never has to experience that.  Saying a vaccine can cause harm to a child is the same as saying peanut butter can cause harm. You have no idea if your child has a peanut allergy before you expose them to it yet most parents do take the chance of exposing them to in hopes they don't have a reaction and can enjoy a tasty snack. A vaccination is the same thing. You expose them to a virus in hopes they don't have a small chance reaction so they can live without fear of contracting a horrible disease.

To each their own. I don't try and convince parents to vaccinate their children, I only give the facts and recommendations of pediatricians and allow you to make the decision. Please don't try to change my mind and I won't try to change yours. I might throw in an I told ya so if your kid gets the measles, but if they don't you could throw out a thank you for my kid keep yours safe.  Soap box done for now.

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